

In August 2020, together with my cousin El and younger sister Kath, we launched Fields of Emotions (FoE) to publish poetry we’ve written individually over the years. There are also a few entries from other people. We also plan to make it a poetry submission site. If you have some poetry, let us know.


Published in December 2017, this short guide represents what I was doing at that time to become a better human being. It’s not the answer to everything. But I’m hoping it will inspire people to take action. To read this guide, however, you have to be part of the Craftdeology mailing list. Check it out.


In June 2017, with the help of my cousin Victor and friend Myk, we launched Humans Unite. The goal is to provide content that promotes love, peace, & unity. And share stories about people who are making a difference.


Launched in March 2016, Craftdeology has been the document of my becoming. This is where I dump all my thoughts and make sense of them through writing. What does it mean to live a good life?


(Music stuff coming soon.)


Spherical Understanding

Launched in November 2020, Spherical Understanding serves as a repository of some of the best quotes I’ve scoured from a wide variety of books, blogs, articles, videos, and anything from the Internet. DISCLAIMER: Just to be clear. I don’t own these quotes.